The Gaussness came about one day while playing Halo. My friend Skeletore and I decided to play some Big Team Battle Skirmish. For pretty much the entire game we were driving around in the Warthog simply murdering every individual that moved. When the people on the other team began vocalizing their frustration with us, we hysterically laughed in their face. I cannot remember the last time I had so much fun playing Halo 2 on xbox live. Shortly after, Skeletore and I decided we should start recording these games and make a video. Since I was the one with the capture device at the time, Skeletore became known as The Driver. Since he was my friend in real life, we could discuss strategies and apply them when we played. After about a month of recording, I started to get some very unique clips consisting of killtrocitys, killmanjaros and last minute bomb plants.

I give mad respect to the originality and overall style of the first “G4USS” montage, but this gauss montage will be exponentially better. I focused my attention on having the best multi-kill from the perspective of the worthog.  I can guarantee that you have never seen anything like this before.  Enjoy the ride.

Welcome To: The Gaussness
The Timeline of the events leading up to the film

After months of recording, I have finally finished recording footage. I feel like I want more, but I think what I have is sufficient enough. I know I will never be satisfied with the clips I have because I feel as though I can do better. I should just move on and focus on who will be putting together my project.

2.5.07- I contact a few people that I feel would be right for this project. Mainly, experienced editors that are well known around the forums. None are interested in taking on the project. In the beginning, I was in search of someone who wanted to do something different, something unique. At this point, I am simply looking for someone that can edit my video well. Now, being the incredibly impatient person I am, I just want something done soon so people can see my clips and hopefully remember this as being one of the best Gauss montages ever.

2.11.07- I get in contact with Steam over AIM. At first he was interested in doing the project, then he realized he was too busy for it and later declined. Before doing so he was able recommend a person that would be right for the job, Cologne. I have seen some of Cologne’s work he has done in the past, and I was overall impressed with his work. I set out to get in contact with Cologne to see if he would be interested in taking on the job.

2.12.07- I turned 21 today, got shit faced. Thought I just might add this entry. You know how I do.

2.13.07- I got in contact with Cologne over AIM. He is excited about the project…which gets me excited. So hopefully we can get together soon and I can get him the clips for him to start working on it.

2.15.07- An unfortunate turn of events happened. Cologne will not be able to edit my Gauss montage because something happened in his life that should make everyone realize that they should be grateful for what they have before its gone. My prayers go out to him and his family.

2.16.07- OK. I’m trying to get back on track and find someone to edit this montage before I go insane. I guess I have to resort to something I did not feel was necessary, but as the saying goes, desperate times call for desperate measures. I decided to make a thread at Take a look for yourself HERE

2.17.07- Like many threads on H3F, mine went into the abyss of threads that fall through the cracks everyday at H3F. Only a handful a people viewed my thread, and fewer responded, none of which were editors. I had a feeling this was going to happen, that is why I reluctant to do it in the first place. Now I am sitting here going insane wondering why no one wants to take on this project. I’m going to go talk to some of my friends and see what they have to say.

2.18.07- After talking to one of my good friends, he reminded me of the thread NoK posted awhile back on H3F saying he had editors on that will edit for free. I remember hearing about the opening of but I thought it never took off like it was supposed to. I know a lot of good editors committed to the project of SS but none ever stuck with it, they just slowly faded away. Well anyway, I decided I would contact NoK personally, and see if he could recommend anyone for me.

2.19.07- I contacted NoK today through AIM. I explained to him that I have footage prepared, and what I am looking for in an editor. He told me he didn’t know anyone off the top of his head who would be interested in the project, but he suggested making a thread at in the Help Wanted Section. So immediately after our conversation, I registered at SS and made a thread in the Help Wanted Section. I copied and pasted my post from H3F to SS HERE

2.21.07- I am currently on vacation in Florida but I still have resources to check my thread on ShatterStudios to see if anyone responded. I got a response from a familiar name in the H2 community, NutsaQer. He didn’t commit to the project just yet, he left a simple message saying “Let’s Talk.” I remember Tony(NutsaQer) from his Halo2 Reality Show, 1337 Life that got announced on numerous forums. I’m not really into the machinima side of Halo 2, I am more into the montages and the overall skill of a player. But I do remember watching his video and being generally impressed on how well it was presented and the professionalism that took place in capturing the video. I am excited about Tony being involved in the project but I am just not sure of his editing ability just yet. He hasn’t necessarily done a Halo 2 Montage that involves killing, he has only done machinima. I am kind of skeptical on his ability to do something like this, but it seems like he is my only hope. I will try to get in contact with him soon, so I can get a better feel from where he is coming from.

2.23.07- Still in Florida, loving life. Tony and I are exchanging messages on the ShatterStudios Forum but I rather start talking on the phone so I can find out who Tony really is and if he is capable of doing what I want done for this montage.

2.24.07- After playing phone tag yesterday, I finally got in touch with Tony. We talked for about 2 hours. We hit it off instantly like we have known each other for years. He is very similar to people I hang around with in my town, so it made our conversation easier like we weren’t being forced to talk to each other about making a montage. I don’t even remember talking much about The Gaussness, we were basically just shooting the breeze about life, the past, and the future. We did discuss a few things, mainly music, where we bumped heads a lot because we have different but somewhat similar tastes. I am sure that it will all work out later. The conversation ended and I told Tony I would contact him when I got home from Florida so we could further discuss the video. This was just the introduction to our long road together in making The Gaussness.

3.5.07- My beautiful vacation has ended in Florida and I have arrived in cold ass Philadelphia today. I called up Tony later that night so we could talk more about my video. We started out getting into some really good ideas that people have never thought of before. At this moment, I knew I wanted Tony to edit my montage. He had the same passion I had in making this film, which is very rare to find nowadays. We were just brainstorming some wild ideas back and forth that would probably never make it into the film but we were just ecstatic to think they were actually going to. From just listening to Tony on the phone, I could tell he knew what he was doing. He was very professional about his work or anything he did in the past. He had everything put into a structure that we would work from like it was an actual job he was getting paid for. He had the vision I was looking for in an editor and the direction. He took my work without even seeing it yet and made me feel like it was his. It felt like he was putting his heart into the project. That made me feel even better about how this was going to turn out because I finally found someone who feels the same way.

3.15.07- Tony and I have been talking randomly for the past week or so whether it had been on Halo or the phone. So it wasn’t unusual if he called me because he had an idea or vice versa. But the idea he proposed to me this night was quite unusual. He called me with the idea of making a “Documentary” about myself making the Gauss montage. At first, I was really bugged out. I thought it was probably the stupidest thing I ever heard. My initial thought was why would anyone care about me? All people want to see is the game play not a real life documentary about me making the video. But as usual, Tony started to talk a lot and elaborate more on the idea of a documentary about me and him going through this process of making the montage. I thought about it some more, but I still wasn’t completely sold on the idea. I kind of thought it would come out too corny and people wouldn’t want to watch it. Then I thought back to when I first finished recording, I wanted to make the Gauss video a completely unique experience and not just game play. But then I couldn’t find anyone on the same level, so i just try to find an experienced editor to edit the game play. So then I found Tony and as time came to tell, he was the man I was looking for the whole time. I decided to put my work in Tony’s hands and agreed to making this a documentary on how we came together to complete this film.

3.20.07- As the days went by; I thought more about the idea of this documentary. I wasn’t kind sure if this video would work out. I didn’t know much about Tony, only the information I gathered over the phone. So I decided before I made the final decision, I was going to go down to Washington and spend the day with him. I really wanted to get a feel of Tony’s personality and the kind of style he would be implementing into the video. It’s going to work out perfect, I am going down to Baltimore on the 23rd and he is only 30min away from the place I will be staying at. I will post an update after I come back from my trip.

3.26.07- OK. Long trip mentally and physically. I went down to Baltimore on Saturday to go out to this comedy club with a couple of my boys. I got absolutely trashed and woke up on Sunday feeling like shit. Well that wasn’t the worst part. I was planning on leaving early afternoon to visit Tony but I decided to stay with my friends and chill till later that night. I got in contact with Tony around 8pm and told him I was leaving within a few minutes, at least I thought I was going to. My friend had me park in the bottom of his apartment garage so he had to drive me down there for me to leave. As we go round and round spirally down to the bottom, I realize when we come around the last corner my CAR ISN’T THERE! Yes, it happened. My car got fucking towed in less than 24hrs in a parking garage that no one even parks in. I didn’t know what to think, I was so angry. I had made these plans over a week ago and now I can’t even follow through. My friend felt so bad, he said he would lend me his car for the night and just walk to class tomorrow. I felt kind of relieved but I knew that the towing would cost me big. So I wasn’t in the best of moods when I got to Tony’s but nothing a little green wouldn’t change. Everything went as smooth as I would of hoped. We discussed a few things about the project, but I wasn’t really there for that. I was there to get better acquainted with Tony on a personal level. Yeah, we have talked on the phone for the past month but it’s nothing like spending hours with a person in person. I spent the night at his house and drove back to Baltimore the next morning to find out it’s going to cost me $240.00 to get my car out of a place that’s about 100ft from the garage I parked in. So at the least you can say I wasn’t happy. I gave the people there the hardest time. Now I am back home exhausted but overall excited about the time I spent with Tony because now I am 100% confident I want him backing this project.

4.1.07- While I was at Tony’s, one of the ideas we discussed was making a website. It was going to be and we were going to publish it to promote the trailer leading up to the official release. We both loved the idea of that, just to get people more familiar with the project and how it came about. Well Tony messaged me today with a new idea. He suggested we do a blog of everything that takes place leading up the trailer then of course the film release. I absolutely loved the idea of people following us on this journey on how the movie was made. So we were going to start making post as of today with new updates on how it is coming. But then I thought what about all the things that happened in the past, people should know what we have gone through leading up to this point. So I took the initiative and wrote out the chronicles from my point of views, emotions, and opinions. Now here we are, this is just rough overview of what took place leading up to this point. I didn’t want to spill everything that was going on my head because I wouldn’t be able to fit it all. All the new information will be posted on the home page. Thank you for reading (if you did) because it will make the whole experience that much better when The Gaussness hits your hard drive in the Summer of 2007.

5.23.07- Tony and I are shooting emails back and forth. I am trying to get him up here so we can start filming the documentary. It is hard because Tony is without transportation so he is either forced to rent a car or take a bus. I feel bad; I wish he lived closer so I could just pick him up. *UPDATE* Tony was able to schedule a rental car for next month. So hopefully we can get rolling! Wish us well!

7.2.07- OK. So Tony came to town around 7pm last night from what I remember. We began our common ritual as we always did when we first got together, said hello to Mary. After we got our minds cleared, we talked a little bit about the project but not enough as I would have hoped. Looking back on it, I wish we planned more on Saturday to know what we were going to do on Sunday, so we actually got it accomplished. But instead we were lazy and never did. We ended up going over Skeletore’s house since he was having a couple people over. We drank a few beers, got our asses kicked in beer pong and played a good amount of Super Mario Brothers 3 on NES. It was an overall chill night, nothing special. Towards the end of the night, I lost track of Tony and finally found him wondering outside. He was definitely fucked up from what I could see, so we called it a night and I drove us home. In the morning, I heard someone stomping up the stairs and ultimately heading for the bathroom. It was Tony. I felt bad for him because I know his stomach would be upset for the rest of the day and I was actually trying to get things done. As the day went on, we just laid around being lazy. Got something to eat at a local pizza shop and then I showed him around some of my favorite areas in town. When we got back, we decided to go to work. Tony set up the camera and all the necessary lights. Asked me a list of questions and before I knew it, we were done. Right then, I started to get the feeling that this might not work out. I felt like we barely got any footage and the footage we did get I didn’t know how it would work in the film. But I trusted Tony so I never said anything to him about what I was feeling. One of the reasons why this didn’t go so well was because he was hung over. Nonetheless, he bounced from my house later that night and I was left with the feeling of hopelessness like we need to evaluate this project and start over.

8.15.07- Things have been crazy on my end as well as Tony’s. Nothing has gone on with the project thus far. I am trying to set something up this weekend to go down to DC and actually do work on the film. *EDIT* Unfortunately I was unable to go down for the weekend. I had some other things come up. I feel the only work that is going to get done to this project is if I go down there for a whole weekend and we actually spend physical time on it and figure out what we are going to do. We have tried to talk over the phone and internet but nothing is working out. I am going to try to get down there ASAP.

12.11.07- Well I started out over a year ago searching for the right editor. After numerous turn downs and people committing then backing out of the project I was hopeless. Nocturnal led me to Tony over 8months ago and I have then spent almost a year being patient with Tony and trying to make this work since we both had the same mentality. That is why I gave him this much time. I trusted him. He told me to be patient and I was. I wouldn’t have given Tony this much leeway if I didn’t think he could do the project justice. But time has worn on me and with the Halo3 release, H2 videos are becoming a thing of the past. I have decided to let Tony go from the project. He claims the reason nothing got done was because we couldn’t agree on music. That is what he told me in our last conversation together. I responded with why it took him so long for him to tell me that. He hasn’t responded since. I am not taking anything away from Tony, he is a great guy. We have had many conversations together and the time we spent in real life was a blast. I understand he is a busy guy but I wish he was just more open with me and said he didn’t want to do it from the start. This is not the last time you will hear the name Tony Muzzatti. Trust me. One of the first impressions I got from Tony was he is a very professional individual who puts a lot of time and effort into his work. I wish we could have made this happen Tony.

Anyway, now I am left with this project that has been sitting for over 2 years now with footage no one has ever seen. Multiple killmanjaros to bomb plants and flag captures out of my ass. I am left to re think my situation and figure out where I want to go from here.

This is the end of The Story portion of the site since THIS story doesn’t exist anymore.
I will update the main page of the blog for the continuing story of The Gaussness.

-Written by Lou Frignito
-All questions please email us at: